English Measurement System

Sheet Width (in):
Sheet Length (in):
Number of Sheets No comma or other punctuations):
Number of Sides to be Coated:
Total Number of Pounds of Coating:
Total Number of Gallons of Coating:

Please use this calculator to help estimate the amount of coating needed for your print job. This coating calculator estimates the amount of coating needed using the criteria below. The estimate is based on an average 0.8 wet lbs/ 1000 Ft² of application weight for standard work and turn applications. If you are using this calculator for specialty applications using heavier or lighter coat weights, please increase or decrease the estimated amount by the percentage difference from 0.8 lbs/1000 Ft². (e.g., When using 1.0 wet lbs/1000 Ft² application weight which is 25% more, please multiply calculated result by 1.25) This estimate excludes any coating amount required for priming coater unit.

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